DCI Concept

Ikarian Diet Clinics and NOUS experiential Stores collaboration

Nikolas Drakatos and we united our expertise last year under NOUS Experiential Stores roof with a common belief: we deem that, nowadays, it appears as though the modern business has been engineered to isolate humanity from one another. For that reason, we wanted to differentiate ourselves and add human value to NOUS in-store experiences, especially to our cautious and sceptic guests, due to the Covid-19 situation. So, we concentrated on offering the unique Ikarian Diet Clinics in an application for our retail customers. In that way, we wanted to build on the strength of human connection while offering a great chance to produce social and economic value.

Indeed, we loved the idea to surprise our consumers in a physical retail environment by supporting healthy nutrition and strengthening the immune system of our guests. Thus, our team of nutrition and gastronomy experts reimagined this historic diet in 2020, creating a contemporary version of the Ikarian Diet that may be implemented internationally, wherever in the world. This diet helps weight loss, increases energy levels, strengthens the immune system, and promotes lifespan.

Every person is unique and should be treated as such. Our team of registered dietitians and nutritionists recognizes this and is here to provide guidance and advice to every customer individually, assisting and observing every step of their progress Ikarian people mainly through diet, but also through their daily routine found the key to longevity, while having physical and mental well-being. It is now up to us to recognize their value, learn from them and apply these teachings to the modern way of life. Our approach concerns the application of the Ikarian nutrition with ease in any place in the world, through appropriate guidance and support. Healthy body weight, health protection and psychological well-being are invaluable gifts and there are no barriers to gaining them.